Sunday, January 20, 2013


(Day 14, Grenoble)

WAIT A HOT SECOND! How could I forget the most important part of catching you all up yesterday? A bunch of my friends and I made it out to the Brûleurs de Loups game on Friday night! For those that haven't stalked Grenoble on Wikipedia, BDL is the Grenoble hockey team. As I can't watch my beloved Bruins from so far away, I have settled for Grenoble's team. While we left after the second period so that we could go out for the evening, BDL still won 6-1 against Caen! What a great warm-up for us Bruins fans last night.

The rink is located near the end of the A line on the tram, but still in Grenoble which is great. It's a pretty small rink, but it was full. The big cultural thing, though, is that these French hockey fans are not real hockey fans. While they know their sport and their team and they were decked out in their favorite player's jerseys, they were all sitting down and silent for the whole game (except for the band, which never once stopped singing, not even for a second). While my friends and I (mostly me) were shouting at the team and yelling our advise to the players, even when Caen scored and their one fan started using his air horn the Grenoble fans didn't really do anything about it. They would only react when there was a close call for a goal by BDL and when BDL actually scored. It was crazy! As someone who has  been lucky enough to have been exposed to quality hockey in her life, both teams weren't as sharp as they could have been. It was a rather sloppy game, over all, but they did well and it was great to watch. With the sloppiness however, we fans were given multiple opportunities to yell at our team and encourage them to get their stuff together. My friend from Sudbury and I were the only ones doing any such thing, it was absolutely ridiculous. Regardless, BDL won, there's another game Tuesday night that we're going to, and all is good. À bientôt.

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